Encourage imagination in your child

Encourage imagination in your child

What year will your child enter the workforce? 2030? 2035? 2040?

What will the world look like then? 20 years from now?  What kind of skills will they need to thrive in that world?

According to a report from the 2020 Summit of the World Economic Forum, as AI and automation take over more jobs, some of the most sought after skills of the future workforce will be creativity, originality and innovative thinking since they are such uniquely human traits. 

How can we help our kids build these skills? We start by encouraging them to explore their imagination.  

6th grader students at Los Coches Creek Middle School, Jesse Scott and Ethan Wilson talk about why we should encourage imagination and how we can do this.   Imagination is what created everything around us.

Next, listen to Penny Hay talk about the power of Children’s Imagination.   Penny is an RSA Fellow with an award from Action for Children’s Arts for her contribution to arts education.

Our imagination is the unique human capacity to bring into our minds things that aren’t present. We daydream; imagination is everywhere; it invites potential and possibility. 


Start our free online Course: Life skills for kids course - Click Here

Start our free online Course: Life skills for kids course - Click Here


Dream Cast Kids Journal.

We have included writing prompt to help reinforce the concepts such as empathy and kindness, gratitude and more in both the Dream Cast Journal and Dream Cast Conversation Starter Cards tying the learning experience together perfectly.

Encourage imagination in your child


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