Hair my beautiful curly bantu knot hair

Hair, my beautiful curly bantu knot hair

Ricardo Collison

Today's topic of discussion is normalizing natural beautiful curly hair.

For decades, having curly hair has been seen as a curse for anyone born with anything other than straight European-looking hair.




People with curly hair have been limited in opportunity, marginalized, threatened, persecuted, and even demonized. Even Michelle Obama made a conscious decision not to wear her hair in its natural state during her eight years as the First Lady.

She intentionally chose to wear her hair straights because, in her words, "Americans were not ready for natural black hair in the White House." In this podcast, we discuss some uncomfortable truths, ask some uncomfortable questions to our people of color, and continue creating awareness of normalizing natural curly hair.

We follow in the path blazed by people like Trevor Noah, Colin Kaepernick, Everett Taylor, and even America's first black First Lady, Michelle Obama. 

Believe in the possibility of your dreams and stay the course.

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Photo credit miss_celaneous
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