Real secret to raising a confident child
Want to know the real secret to raising a confident child? The real secret is to debunk this notion we have, of perfection.
If you can show your kids that just being themselves is completely fine, that mistakes are just normal parts of being human, that messing up is just part of the process, and that they don’t have to strive to get your appreciation, that your validation doesn’t only come with them meeting certain goals or reaching certain achievements or fulfilling certain ideals. If they can see that the process of fallibility, of normality, of imperfection, of just being themselves, is the whole point of the journey. Then they will be confident.
You see, our children are born confident. As babies, they didn’t pretend not to be hungry so as not to inconvenience others. So when did they learn that they need to act a certain way in order to gain approval? It’s we who imposed these insane standards, these ideas of perfection onto them, then they begin to stumble, then they begin to divorce from their true self, then they begin to doubt.
So the secret to confidence is the acceptance, the embrace, and the celebration of imperfections, of ordinariness, of being just who it is they are. When you honor them for this truth then they will naturally be confident about themselves. It is in the celebration of imperfection that confidence lies just beneath.
In this video Jason Kreidman, founder of Dad university, provides some tips to build confidence in your child. There are specific things we can do as parents to boost their self-esteem, make them feel loved and secure, and ultimately increase their confidence. We want our children to have a good self acceptance and teaching them confidence is a great way to build resilience and a healthy self-acceptance.
Who doesn't want their child to be confident. Building a child's confidence is easier than you think. While we are not all born with confidence, it is a muscle you can train and help your kids train.
Next Rivka Malka, a Transformation Coach and mother of eight, shares her tips on how to raise Confident Kids.
As wonderful parents, do you want your children to have the confidence to know that they can do anything they dream of? Give your children the greatest gift by listening to Rivka Malka’s (a Transformation Coach and mother of eight) 5 tips on how to raise confident kids. Confident children can truly grab life by the horns no matter what comes their way.
In this video, you’ll discover the connection between raising confident kids and hard work, talent, integrity, good ideas, and deep support. Piqued your interest? Great, grab a pen to take notes on these 5 Tips to Raising Confident Kids because you won’t hear them anywhere else.
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Dream Cast Kids Journal.
We have included writing prompt to help reinforce the concepts such as empathy and kindness, gratitude and more in both the Dream Cast Journal and Dream Cast Conversation Starter Cards tying the learning experience together perfectly.